VChair Nomination Survey

Thank you for showing interest in becoming a member of our board. 

This election will be held on line via Zoom and Quick vote. Because of this, a valid email address will be required. You may choose two people to speak on your behalf prior to voting. The first speaker will have two minutes to speak, while the second will have one minute. Speakers will also need valid email addresses to participate in the process.

Please complete the following short survey to declare your nomination. You will be asked to respond to eleven questions. After submitting your response to the last question, you will be taken to our home page, indicating you have completed the survey. You will receive confirmation via email within 48 hours.

Do you declare to be a Republican, duly registered to vote in the Precinct in which you reside in Spokane County, State of Washington?

From the By - Laws: 6.1.3 Nominees shall meet the requirements for PCO's as outlined in 3.2.1. 3.2.1 PCO's shall be American citizens, qualified registered voters, residing within their precinct, and must declare themselves to be Republicans.
